Sastrugi tells the gripping story of Jonathon Bradshaw who, at the age of 36, gave up every modern comfort and started cycling from London to New York via the Arctic Circle. After crossing the barren volcanic deserts of Iceland, only Greenland and its vast polar icecap stood in the way of him reaching North America.
This is the story of how Jonathon crossed the Greenland icecap with no previous polar training, his serendipitous meeting with three Irish adventurers that would change his life forever, and how he confirmed his place in history as a member of the first Irish team to ski to the South Pole. Join him on his arduous six-month adventure across two of the coldest and most remote places on earth.
SASTRUGI (saˈstruːgi)
noun – parallel wave-like ridges caused by wind on the
surface of hard snow, especially in polar regions. Singular, SASTRUGA. Origin: Russian dialect (Siberia) zastruga: za, beyond + struga, deep place into which one may fall.
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"A captivating tale of a complete Polar novice's epic journey to the South Pole. Sastrugi is a shining example of the never-say-die spirit of the human soul. The physical and mental resolve shown by the author is admirable.
Despite common perceptions that polar exploration is not what it used to be I can vouch that there is definitely no such thing as an easy ride to the South Pole and, as an absolute rookie, the author’s exploits are all the more commendable.”
Ranulph Fiennes

A short movie of the Beyond Endurance Expedition - 1st Irish Team to the South Pole in 2008
All content and images used on this website are the property of Jonathon Bradshaw